Post by worldgorger on Aug 30, 2012 1:48:18 GMT -5
So basically, I saw Travis's post on an ahk alternative for mac users, and figured id somewhat try to explain how to use ahk for windows users First off you'll wanna download ahk to do this just google ahk download. Once youve got that done open up a new notepad and paste this into it
once you've done that save the filename as whatever you wanna call it for me its "dgstart" then after that youll wanna put ".ahk" so in the end for me it was dgstart.ahk
go to the dropdown beside "save as type" and change to "all files" like this
once youve done that, save it to your desktop or some other place where you'll be able to find it and just select run script :> its setup so f6 trades smuggler and sells your item drops items (gt/pgt) and can also create pgt, f7 buys your feathers and selects imbue other runes on the runecrafting altar, and f8 buys 250 essence these button settings can be changed by rightclicking the save file and editing "f6" "f7" "f8" to any other key on your keyboard for example if you wanted to use your number pad instead youd change it to Numpad1, Numpad2, Numpad3 etc.
a full list of key names can be found here
dunno if ive done any good to help anyone but if i did then gz on being able to use ahk for faster starts
for some reason on vid looks like im trading smuggler and dropping pgt kinda slow when rly im not
Also i realize i left key under smuggler lol only went in floor to demonstrate ahk
credit to Don Draper for providing the scripting for it
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
F6:: ;~ 3 inputs.
Click_M(2, 1) ;~ Produces 3 actions.
F7:: ;~ 3 inputs.
Click_M(5, 1) ;~ Produces 3 actions.
F8:: ;~ 3 inputs.
Click_M(4, 1) ;~ Produces 3 actions.
F9:: ;~ 3 inputs.
Click_M(3, 1) ;~ Produces 3 actions.
,------. ,---.,--. ,--.
| .-. \ ,---. / .-'`--',--,--, `--',--,--, ,---.
| | \ .-. `-,,--.| \,--.| \| .-. |
| '--' /\ --.| .-'| || || || || || |' '-' '.--..--..--.
`-------' `----'`--' `--'`--''--'`--'`--''--'.`- / '--''--''--'
;~ Click - Click
;~ Click_I - Click Item
;~ Click_IN - Click_Item Numbers
;~ Click_M - Click Menu
;~ Click_MI - Click Menu Item
;~ Click_E - Click Equipped
;~ Click_ME - Click Equipped Menu
;~ Click_QP - Click Quick Prayer
;~ Click_C - Click Compass
;~ Click_S - Click Summoning
;~ Click_SI - Click Summoning Item
;~ Click_DCI - Click Deposit Carried Items
;~ Click_BI - Click Bank Item
;~ Click_BMI - Click Bank Menu Item
;~ Click_BC - Click Bank Close
;~ Click_T - Click Tab
;~ Click_AS - Click Attack Style
;~ Click_SA - Click Special Attack
,------. ,--. ,--.
| .---',--.,--.,--,--, ,---.,-' '-.`--' ,---. ,--,--, ,---.
| `--, | || || \| .--''-. .-',--.| .-. || \( .-'
| |` ' '' '| || |\ `--. | | | |' '-' '| || |.-' `)
`--' `----' `--''--' `---' `--' `--' `---' `--''--'`----'
Parameters: X - The X coordinate to click.
Y - The Y coordinate to click.
Ra - Amount of pixels to randomize the click by.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click(X, Y, Ra=0, R=0, S=0) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
If Ra
Random, CLICK_X, % CLICK_X-Ra, % CLICK_X+Ra
Random, CLICK_Y, % CLICK_Y-Ra, % CLICK_Y+Ra
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Item Numbers
Parameters: N - The item numbers in your inventory to click seperated by |.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_IN(N, R=0, S=0) {
StringSplit, N, N, |
If !N0
If N1 is not Number
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
Click_T(5, 0, S)
Sleep (100)
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
Loop, % N0
If N%A_Index% is Number
I_X:=RS_X+WIN_X+RS_W-179+Mod(N%A_Index%-1, 4)*42,I_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? (RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-295+Div(N%A_Index%-1, 4)*36):(RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-332+Div(N%A_Index%-1, 4)*36),I_W:=35,I_H:=31
Random, CLICK_X, % I_X, % I_X+I_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % I_Y, % I_Y+I_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Item
Parameters: N - The item number in your inventory to click.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_I(N, R=0, S=0) {
If N is not Number
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
Click_T(5, 0, S)
Sleep (100)
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
I_X:=RS_X+WIN_X+RS_W-179+Mod(N-1, 4)*42,I_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? (RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-295+Div(N-1, 4)*36):(RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-332+Div(N-1, 4)*36),I_W:=35,I_H:=31
Random, CLICK_X, % I_X, % I_X+I_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % I_Y, % I_Y+I_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Move Item
Parameters: N - The item number in your inventory to move the mouse to.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Move_I(N, S=0) {
If N is not Number
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
I_X:=RS_X+WIN_X+RS_W-161.5+Mod(N-1, 4)*42,I_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? (RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-279.5+Div(N-1, 4)*36):(RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-316.5+Div(N-1, 4)*36)
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", I_X, I_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
MouseMove, % I_X, I_Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Tab
Parameters: T - The tab to be clicked. Name of the tab of #1-16.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_T(T, R=0, S=0) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If T is Alpha
TL:="Combat Styles|Task System|Stats|Quest Journals|Inventory|Worn Equipment|Prayer List|Magic Spellbook||Friends List|Friends Chat|Clan Chat|Options|Emotes|Music Player|Notes"
StringSplit, TL, TL, |
Loop, % TL0
If TL%A_Index% contains %T%
If T is not Number
Return 0
Return 0
T_X:=(RS_W>995) ? WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-480+(T-1)*30:WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-240+Mod(T-1, 8)*30, T_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? WIN_Y+RS_Y+RS_H-37:WIN_Y+RS_Y+RS_H-74+Div(T-1, 8)*37,T_W:=29,T_H:=36
Random, CLICK_X, % T_X, % T_X+T_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % T_Y, % T_Y+T_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Equipped
Parameters: N - The armor slot to be clicked. 1-11.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_E(N, R=0, S=0) {
If N is not Number
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
Click_T(6, 0, S)
Sleep (100)
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
StringSplit, E_X, E_X, |
StringSplit, E_Y, E_Y, |
E_X:=WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-E_X%N%,E_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? WIN_Y+RS_Y+RS_H-E_Y%N%+37:WIN_Y+RS_Y+RS_H-E_Y%N%,E_W:=33,E_H:=31
Random, CLICK_X, % E_X, % E_X+E_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % E_Y, % E_Y+E_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Menu Equipped
Parameters: N - The armor slot to be clicked. 1-11.
M - The menu item to be clicked.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_ME(N, M, R=0, S=0) {
If N is not Number
If M is not Number
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
Click_T(6, 0, S)
Sleep (100)
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
StringSplit, E_X, E_X, |
StringSplit, E_Y, E_Y, |
E_X:=WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-E_X%N%,E_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? WIN_Y+RS_Y+RS_H-E_Y%N%+37:WIN_Y+RS_Y+RS_H-E_Y%N%,E_W:=33,E_H:=31
Random, CLICK_X, % E_X, % E_X+E_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % E_Y, % E_Y+E_H
Random, O_X, -50, 50
Random, O_Y, 0, 15
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click Right %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X2%, %CLICK_Y2%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y, 0
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Special Attack
Parameters: R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_SA(R=0, S=0) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
Click_T(1, 0, S)
Sleep (100)
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
I_X:=RS_X+WIN_X+RS_W-174,I_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? (RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-97):(RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-135),I_W:=149,I_H:=25
Random, CLICK_X, % I_X, % I_X+I_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % I_Y, % I_Y+I_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Summoning Item
Parameters: N - The summoning icon menu item to be clicked.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_SI(M, R=0, S=0) {
If M is not Number
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
Random, CLICK_X, % S_X, % S_X+S_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % S_Y, % S_Y+S_H
Random, R_X, 0, 1
Random, O_X, 0, 50
Random, O_Y, 0, 15
CLICK_X2:=(!R_X) ? (CLICK_X-O_X):(CLICK_X+O_X), CLICK_Y2:=CLICK_Y+21+16*(M-1)+O_Y
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click Right %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X2, CLICK_Y2, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X2%, %CLICK_Y2%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y, 0
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Summoning
Parameters: R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_S(R=0, S=0) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
Random, CLICK_X, % S_X, % S_X+S_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % S_Y, % S_Y+S_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Quick Prayer
Parameters: R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_QP(R=0, S=0) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
Random, CLICK_X, % QP_X, % QP_X+QP_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % QP_Y, % QP_Y+QP_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Make All
Parameters: R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_MA(R=0, S=0) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
MA_X := RS_X+WIN_X+221, MA_Y:= RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-110,MA_W:= 75,MA_H:= 63
Random, R_X, 0, % MA_W
Random, R_Y, 0, % MA_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Deposit Caried Items
Parameters: R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_DCI(R=0, S=0) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
D_X:=(RS_W<960) ? WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-360:WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W/2+119
Random, CLICK_X, % D_X, % D_X+D_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % D_Y, % D_Y+D_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Bank Menu Item
Parameters: N - The bank item to click.
M - The menu item to click.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_BMI(N, M, R=0, S=0) {
If N is not Number
If M is not Number
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
I_X:=(RS_W<960) ? WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-701+Mod(N-1, 10)*44:WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W/2-222+Mod(N-1, 10)*44,I_Y:=WIN_Y+RS_Y+98+Div(N-1, 10)*44,I_W:=35,I_H:=31
Random, CLICK_X, % I_X, % I_X+I_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % I_Y, % I_Y+I_H
Random, R_X, 0, 1
Random, O_X, 0, 50
Random, O_Y, 0, 15
CLICK_X2:=(!R_X) ? (CLICK_X-O_X):(CLICK_X+O_X), CLICK_Y2:=CLICK_Y+21+16*(M-1)+O_Y
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click Right %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X2, CLICK_Y2, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X2%, %CLICK_Y2%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y, 0
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Bank Item
Parameters: N - The bank item to click.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_BI(N, R=0, S=0) {
If N is not Number
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
I_X:=(RS_W<960) ? WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-701+Mod(N-1, 10)*44:WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W/2-222+Mod(N-1, 10)*44,I_Y:=WIN_Y+RS_Y+98+Div(N-1, 10)*44,I_W:=35,I_H:=31
Random, CLICK_X, % I_X, % I_X+I_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % I_Y, % I_Y+I_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Bank Close
Click_BC(R=0, S=0) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
C_X:=(RS_W<960) ? WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-258:WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W/2+221
Random, CLICK_X, % C_X, % C_X+C_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % C_Y, % C_Y+C_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Attack Style
Parameters: N - The attack style number to be clicked. 1-4.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_AS(N=1, R=0, S=0){
If N is not Number
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
Click_T(1, 0, S)
Sleep (100)
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
StringSplit, CS_X, CS_X, |
StringSplit, CS_Y, CS_Y, |
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Compass
Parameters: R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_C(R=0, S=3) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
Random, CLICK_X, % C_X, % C_X+C_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % C_Y, % C_Y+C_H
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Menu
Parameters: N - The menu item number to click.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_M(N, R=0, S=0) {
If N is not Number
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
MouseGetPos, X, Y
Click Right
Random, O_X, -50, 50
Random, O_Y, 0, 15
CLICK_X:=X+O_X, CLICK_Y:=Y+21+16*(N-1)+O_Y
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Menu Iventory
Parameters: N - The inventory item to be right clicked.
M - The menu item to click.
R - Return the mouse to it's original position.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_MI(N, M, R=0, S=0) {
If N is not Number
If M is not Number
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
Click_T(5, 0, S)
Sleep (100)
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
I_X:=RS_X+WIN_X+RS_W-179+Mod(N-1, 4)*42,I_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? (RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-295+Div(N-1, 4)*36):(RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-332+Div(N-1, 4)*36),I_W:=35,I_H:=31
Random, CLICK_X, % I_X, % I_X+I_W
Random, CLICK_Y, % I_Y, % I_Y+I_H
Random, R_X, 0, 1
Random, O_X, 0, 50
Random, O_Y, 0, 15
CLICK_X2:=(!R_X) ? (CLICK_X-O_X):(CLICK_X+O_X), CLICK_Y2:=CLICK_Y+21+16*(M-1)+O_Y
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click Right %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X2%, %CLICK_Y2%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y, 0
SetMouseDelay, % D
Click Click Here To Continue
Parameters: N - One of the two locations.
S - Speed of the mouse movements. 0 is instant.
Click_CHTC(N, S=0) {
If R
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
CHTC_X:=(N=1) ? RS_X+WIN_X+37:RS_X+WIN_X+131,CHTC_Y:=RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-58,CHTC_W:=349,CHTC_H:=16
If S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", CLICK_X, CLICK_Y, S, 1)
SetMouseDelay, -1
Click %CLICK_X%, %CLICK_Y%
If R && S
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", X, Y, S, 1)
If R && !S
MouseMove, % X, % Y
SetMouseDelay, % D
Check Click Here To Continue Blue
Parameters: N - One of the two locations.
Check_CHTC_Blue(N) {
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
CHTC_X:=(N=1) ? RS_X+WIN_X+139:RS_X+WIN_X+233,CHTC_Y:=RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-48,CHTC_W:=349,CHTC_H:=16
PixelGetColor, C, % CHTC_X, % CHTC_Y
If (C==0xFF0000)
Return 1
Return 0
Check Click Here To Continue White
Parameters: N - One of the two locations.
Check_CHTC_White(N) {
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
CHTC_X:=(N=1) ? RS_X+WIN_X+139:RS_X+WIN_X+233,CHTC_Y:=RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-48,CHTC_W:=349,CHTC_H:=16
PixelGetColor, C, % CHTC_X, % CHTC_Y
If (C==0xFFFFFF)
Return 1
Return 0
Active Tab
Active_T() {
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
Return 0
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
Loop, 16
T_X:=(RS_W>995) ? WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-480+(A_Index-1)*30:WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-240+Mod(A_Index-1, 8)*30, T_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? WIN_Y+RS_Y+RS_H-37:WIN_Y+RS_Y+RS_H-74+Div(A_Index-1, 8)*37,T_W:=29,T_H:=36
PixelGetColor, C_%A_Index%, % T_X, % T_Y+T_H/2
If(C_1==C_2&&C_2==C_3&&C_3==C_4&&C_4==C_5&&C_5==C_6&&C_6==C_7&&C_7==C_8&&C_8==C_9&&C_9==C_10&&C_10==C_11&&C_11==C_12&&C_ 12==C_13&&C_13==C_14&&C_14==C_15&&C_15==C_16)
Return 0
Loop, 16
Return H
PixelGetColor Item
Parameters: N - The inventory item to get the central color of.
PixelGetColor_I(N) {
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
I_X:=RS_X+WIN_X+RS_W-161.5+Mod(N-1, 4)*42,I_Y:=(RS_W>995) ? (RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-279.5+Div(N-1, 4)*36):(RS_Y+WIN_Y+RS_H-316.5+Div(N-1, 4)*36)
PixelGetColor, C, % I_X, % I_Y
Return C
Find_RS() {
ControlGetPos, RS_X, RS_Y, RS_W, RS_H, SunAwtCanvas2, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
If(RS_X == "")
WinGetPos, WIN_X, WIN_Y, WIN_W, WIN_H, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
MouseGetPos, X, Y
ToolTip, % "RuneScape:`nWidth - " RS_W "px`nHeight - " RS_H "px`n`nMouse distance from:`nLeft - " X-(WIN_X+RS_X) "px`nRight - " WIN_X+RS_X+RS_W-X "px`nTop - " Y-(WIN_Y+RS_Y) "px`nBottom - " WIN_Y+RS_Y+RS_H-Y "px"
Div(X, Y) {
Return Floor(X/Y)
Random(N, N2) {
Random, R, % N, % N2
Return R
By: Wicked.
Name: MouseMove_Ellipse()
Description: Moves the mouse from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2) using an ellipse rather then a straight line.
Parameters: X1 - The beginning X coordinate. Leave blank to use the current mouse position.
Y2 - The beginning Y coordinate. Leave blank to use the current mouse position.
X2 - The second X coordinate.
Y2 - The second Y coordinate.
S - The speed. In this case, the larger the number, the faster the speed.
B - Blocks the mouse input. Set to 1 or true to block mouse input during the mouse movement.
I - Inverts the ellipse path.
Examples: MouseMove_Ellipse(50, 50, 300, 300) moves mouse from (50, 50) to (300, 300).
MouseMove_Ellipse("", "", 300, 300, 2) moves mouse from it's current position to (300, 300) with a speed of 2.
MouseMove_Ellipse(50, 50, 300, 300, 5, 1) moves mouse from (50, 50) to (300, 300) with a speed of 5 and blocks mouse input.
MouseMove_Ellipse(50, 50, 300, 300, 5, 1, 1) moves mouse from (50, 50) to (300, 300) with a speed of 5, blocks mouse input and inverts the path.
Credits: None - Lending a helping hand.
[VxE] - For his guide to the ternary operator.
MouseMove_Ellipse(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, S=1, M=0, I="") {
MouseGetPos, X0, Y0
Random, I, 0, 1
X1 := (X1 != "") ? X1 : X0, Y1 := (Y1 != "") ? Y1 : Y0, B := Abs(X1-X2), A := Abs(Y1-Y2), H := (X1<X2) ? ((Y1<Y2) ? ((I=0) ? X1:X2)(I=0) ? X2:X1))(Y1<Y2) ? ((I=0) ? X2:X1)(I=0) ? X1:X2)), K := (Y1<Y2) ? ((X1<X2) ? ((I=0) ? Y2:Y1)(I=0) ? Y1:Y2))(X1<X2) ? ((I=0) ? Y1:Y2)(I=0) ? Y2:Y1)), D := A_MouseDelay
SetMouseDelay, 1
BlockInput, Mouse
If(B > A)
Loop, % B / S
M := (X1 < X2) ? ((I=0) ? -1:1)(I=0) ? 1:-1), X := (X1 < X2) ? (X1+A_Index*S) : (X1-A_Index*S), Y := M*Sqrt(A**2*((X-H)**2/B**2-1)*-1)+K
MouseMove, %X%, %Y%, 0
Loop, % A / S
M := (Y1 < Y2) ? ((I=0) ? 1:-1)(I=0) ? -1:1), Y := (Y1 < Y2) ? (Y1+A_Index*S) : (Y1-A_Index*S), X := M*Sqrt(B**2*(1-(Y-K)**2/A**2))+H
MouseMove, %X%, %Y%, 0
MouseMove, %X2%, %Y2%, 0
BlockInput, Off
SetMouseDelay, % D
Hex2Dec(N) {
X:=((SubStr(N,1,2)!="0x") ? "0x":"") N
if ! StrLen(X+0)
return n
SetFormat,Integer, D
SetFormat,Integer, % I
Return X
once you've done that save the filename as whatever you wanna call it for me its "dgstart" then after that youll wanna put ".ahk" so in the end for me it was dgstart.ahk
go to the dropdown beside "save as type" and change to "all files" like this
once youve done that, save it to your desktop or some other place where you'll be able to find it and just select run script :> its setup so f6 trades smuggler and sells your item drops items (gt/pgt) and can also create pgt, f7 buys your feathers and selects imbue other runes on the runecrafting altar, and f8 buys 250 essence these button settings can be changed by rightclicking the save file and editing "f6" "f7" "f8" to any other key on your keyboard for example if you wanted to use your number pad instead youd change it to Numpad1, Numpad2, Numpad3 etc.
a full list of key names can be found here
dunno if ive done any good to help anyone but if i did then gz on being able to use ahk for faster starts
for some reason on vid looks like im trading smuggler and dropping pgt kinda slow when rly im not
Also i realize i left key under smuggler lol only went in floor to demonstrate ahk
credit to Don Draper for providing the scripting for it